Orthopedic and Medical Massage in Canandaigua, NY

I help people listen to their bodies so they can care for themselves effectively and compassionately.

Areas of Care Therapeutic Massage May Benefit

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Bereavement, Depression, Major Life Changes: improve mood and sleep quality, lower cortisol and increase serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins

  • Pain management for fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions: reduction of myofascial pain syndrome and inflammatory cytokines, mitigation of opioid use, vagus nerve stimulation and co-regulation for remyelination

  • Cancer Diagnosis: restoring energy due to cancer-fatigue, integrating continuity of self during extensive medical procedures, nausea reduction

  • Orthopedic, Preventative, and Rehabilitation: freeing soft tissue nerve impingement, increase range of motion, post-operative scar management

I love working with massage connoisseurs and also individuals who are new to bodywork. Ask me questions. I shall be delighted to help you feel comfortable. I am a bodywork geek. There are many types of bodywork in which I am very proficient and many that I am not, but there are a plethora of highly skilled and specialized practitioners within the larger area. If I’m not the appropriate person to help you with your concern, I likely know someone who is. It also may be the case that, in addition to massage therapy, you would be best served working with a care practitioner in another discipline.

Please email if I haven’t addressed any of your immediate questions here.

Thank you.